Sunday, January 31, 2010

So begins another journey and a new trail leading me to a month in the greater London area and SE UK. It is my ambition to write a blog of the experiences as I travel so as to record feelings, reactions and thoughts for myself and others. I have a month before departure date so hope to practice using this program sufficiently to survive the technology at a beginners level. Along with my writing I well attempt to take along the shiny and advanced Nikon D 60 digital camera. This means I need to master not only blogspot but also care use and downloading of pictures that I hope to grace this site. I am using a stock photo from a purchased package to denote the start of my UK adventures. Also Ive been filling my ears with British rock music and lore and reading the complete history of England. Ive located maps, railroad schedules, printed life journals of the 18th century and current (2000) tour books to assist in building itineraries and priorities. Apologies to those readers who must wade through the muck of thinking out loud to a point finding some gems and even a crown jewel in all this material that can give the reader pause for reflection and even personal insight.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

In the blog beginning

This being my first blog entry I think I should begin by explaining my blog name, Trail Den. Having reached the age of 60 and having the opportunity to look back upon a full, active and happy life full of unexpected surprises I found a poem expressed it best. The final lines from Robert Frost's, The Road Not Taken
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
However being a third generation Oregonian from pioneer stock I also wanted something to signify that I am from those who came here on the Oregon Trail. This identity crisis was resolved when I converted Frost's road to trail and hence have always been known as Trail and residing at trail den.